Rebecca Firkser is a Brooklyn-based writer, recipe developer, and stylist.
Photo by Jessica Marx
Rebecca Firkser is a Brooklyn-based writer and cook. The “k” comes before the “s” in her last name.
Her recipes and writing have appeared in Bon Appétit, Food52, TASTE, Eater, and New York Magazine's The Strategist, among others. She also writes a Substack newsletter, Nickel & Dine, celebrating budget-friendly recipes. Rebecca’s first cookbook, Galette!, with Artisan Books, is available for preorder now.
She’s a recipe tester and editor (for various publications, and cookbooks such as Eric Kim’s Korean American and Hailee Catalano’s By Heart). If you’re looking for a cross tester or collaborator for a current project, please reach out.
You’ll sometimes also find her food styling and culinary producing on photo and video shoots. She knows that this is a lot to fit tidily into a bio, but what can you do.
A Recipe Developer’s Style | GARMENTORY
Play Me a Recipe Podcast | FOOD52
How Did "Recipe Developer" Become A Famous Job? | GAWKER
When It Comes to a Recipe, What’s in a Name? | MUNCHIES
Nutritional Yeast Is for Hippies. ‘Nooch’ Is for Everyone. | THE NEW YORK TIMES
How Clean, Really, Do Our Kitchens Need to Be? | EPICURIOUS
Rebecca Firkser's Dinner Plans | SIFTED
What makes a recipe go viral? | BBC WORKLIFE